Statement of Welcome

Why, the rabbis ask, did God begin the creation of humanity with one primordial ‘Adam’? Partly, they say, so nobody can claim that their ancestors are more important than anyone else’s ancestors – for we all share the same origins. And partly to understand the magnificence of our creator, for when a human monarch mints a new coin, each coin comes out looking the same as every other. However, the Holy Blessed One created humanity from the single mould of the first Adam, and every human being is unique and different from one another.

Diversity is part of the Divine plan for creation. At New London, we are proud of the diversity of our community, and we want to offer the warmest of welcome to all who want to join us.

We have drafted this statement of welcome and inclusion for anyone with questions about inclusion in our wonderful community. We are also a learning community. We are aware that obstacles to inclusion are not always easily spotted, communicated about, and fixed. We urge you to please reach out to us if there are things we could be doing better to include, support, and celebrate you.

Physical Abilities

Our beautiful building has been a synagogue since the late 1800s. We aim to ensure that the building is as accessible as possible. NLS offers step-free access to our sanctuary and function rooms, and we have ground-floor access-friendly toilet facilities available. Wheelchair users are welcome, and we can advise on any questions related to seating in the sanctuary. We use amplification and have a T-loop system available in the sanctuary.  Please contact the office for more information.

Gender and Sexual Orientation

NLS welcomes and looks to support and celebrate LGBTQ+ individuals, couples, and families. We are opposed to any kind of discrimination based on sexuality or gender.

We encourage participation and leadership from all Jews. We support individuals’ self-definition of gender, and we have options for separate and mixed seating depending on preference. We are able and happy to call people up to Torah without specifying gender in Hebrew – please feel welcome to request this.  All New London Synagogue clergy officiate at same-sex weddings. We are able to register such ceremonies in civil law.

Racial Diversity

We are opposed to any kind of discrimination based on race or ethnicity. We know and celebrate the fact that Jews come from all kinds of backgrounds. We are grateful to Stephen Bush for his work on racial inclusivity in the Jewish community and are actively implementing advice on how to ensure that we are a safe and inclusive space.

Jewish Cultural Diversity

NLS is an Ashkenazi synagogue and our prayers follow Ashkenazi customs. We use contemporary Israeli pronunciation (Yitgadal rather than Yisgadal). We are also delighted to hear Torah tropes and tunes from other cultures.

Non-Jewish Cultural Diversity

If you are a friend or family member of a Jewish person, interested in conversion, or simply wish to join us for a service – you are most welcome to join us for services. For security purposes, it would be helpful for us to know that you are planning to visit in advance. If that’s the case, please feel free to contact If you are particularly interested in our conversion programme, please look here for more information.


We welcome and look to support and celebrate neurodivergent individuals and neurodiverse families. We aim to avoid indirect discrimination of neurodivergent individuals, which we are aware can be invisible and difficult to measure and communicate.

Young Children

We love children. We understand that our very young members sometimes find it difficult to sit in silence through services – that’s okay. However, we do expect silence during the sermon.

We offer services for 0-5s on the second Shabbat of every month. There are also child-friendly books on the cart in the foyer, and a creche space with toys available just outside the sanctuary. The creche is also available as a quiet space for nursing. We consider nursing with a covering to be appropriate in the sanctuary.

If you have any questions about inclusivity and welcome, or if there is anything you think we could do to ensure that you feel welcome, please don’t hesitate to contact or