There are many ways to live a life of meaning and spirituality. If you feel that Judaism is the route you would like to investigate further, we aim to do all we can to support and assist you. We welcome converts and provide a programme leading to conversion under the auspices of the European Masorti Beit Din (Jewish Court). As a community, we are proud of the welcome we offer those in the conversion programme and we are delighted to see so many graduates of the programme playing such an important role in the community.
Jewish law sets a number of requirements to be met by the potential convert before being accepted. These include:
- An understanding of Judaism;
- A committed engagement with Jewish practice including Shabbat, Kashrut and participation in the prayer-life of the Synagogue; and
- A spiritual connection and a theological commitment to Jewish peoplehood and belief.
The actual process of conversion entails ritual immersion in a Mikvah (ritual bath), Brit Milah (ritual circumcision) – where it is relevant – and accepting the obligation to observe the commandments (Mitzvot).
The professional team at New London work together to support conversion candidates as effectively as we are able. Initially you will be supported by the Rabbi’s secretary, Frances Goldberg. Candidates subsequently meet with Rabbi Natasha, who oversees the conversion journey and is the rabbinic sponsor to the Beit Din (or, on occasion, Rabbi Jeremy will act as rabbinic sponsor). The Jewish studies curriculum, as well as the largest part of teaching, is delivered by our exceptional lead educator, Angela Gluck.
Classes are held in-person on a weekday evening and provide a thoughtful study programme specifically tailored to the needs of conversion candidates, and (where relevant) Jewish partners also. Hebrew classes are held in the earlier part of the evening and Jewish Studies continue after a short break. Candidates are required to complete the Hebrew curriculum, and candidates and (where relevant) Jewish partners are expected to commit equally to come to the Jewish Studies. Candidates are usually in the programme for 18 months.
Potential candidates are urged to understand, at the very earliest point, the seriousness with which we insist on regular in-person Synagogue and class attendance, as well as observance of Kashrut and Shabbat. Even if you feel entirely committed to being part of the Jewish people or a Jewish family, if you are not willing or able to take on a commitment to these elements of Jewish study and practice, the conversion programme at New London is probably not for you.
We warmly welcome the full participation of any Jewish partners. We are unable to accept into the conversion programme anyone in a relationship with a non-Jewish partner, and candidates without partners are expected to commit to seek only Jewish partners in the future.
We ask candidates to contribute financially at a level which offsets some of the costs of running the programme. We expect candidates and Jewish partners to join the synagogue as members (Jewish partners) and equivalent (conversion candidates), which includes affiliation to the Synagogue, tickets for High Holy Day services, and other relevant areas of membership. We also ask the candidates to pay a fee for the course, which offsets the costs of classes and rabbinic support. This sum does not include the Beit Din (court) fees payable at a later point in the programme. That said, it is a fundamental principle of New London Synagogue that no-one will be denied access to Judaism or Jewish learning because of financial hardship.
If you would like to take the next step in pursuing conversion at New London, please contact Frances Goldberg
In your communication please include:
- a couple of sentences about yourself;
- a couple of sentences about your interest in Judaism;
- your occupation, if you are single or partnered, or any other personal information that might be relevant; and
- your mobile phone number and home address.
You are also invited to attend a Shabbat morning Synagogue service to understand a little more about the community. Attending a service will also be an opportunity to meet Rabbi Natasha, Rabbi Jeremy, Angela Gluck, and other members of the programme.
We receive a large number of initial approaches from those interested in conversion, and your assistance in providing us with the information in the manner set out above makes it easier for us to respond promptly and appropriately to your expression of interest. Thank you for your understanding. Your first point of contact is